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Jools Holland Hootenanny. Never Again.

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smurfchops | 13:27 Wed 01st Jan 2025 | Film, Media & TV
16 Answers

Who are these awful acts l have never heard of who he introduces?  The girl falling on the floor before she started "singing". What a joke.  Only worth watching Ruby Turner and Kathy Sledge.  Bob Geldof?  Jo Brand?  Unfunny Vic Reeves seems to have lost the plot.  No thanks.  And so to bed.  



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It wasn't that bad. Cmat the girl on the floor, I must admit was unusual. I love Ruby Turner, she's there every year.

Wasn't the "White Heather Club" on?

Used to like Andy Stewart, Moira Anderson, Kenneth McKellar and, of course, Jimmy Shand and his band.

I haven't been at home on NYE since about 1995 so I imagine it might have changed a bit, but that would definitely be my choice.

Bob Geldof should stick to politics. He's about as competent at that as he is at entertaining. But at least if he sticks to politics he won't spoil viewers NYE celebtrations.

I thought it one of the best Hootenanny's I've seen for ages, spoiled only by the Boomtown Rats' last contribution, "I Don't Like Mondays", which is in my top 10 worst-ever songs list.

I went to the same school as Ruby Turner

She was a few forms in front of me  


Toby Lee was great!

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I go to the Albert Hall every November to see Jools, Ruby and Louise Marshall, a great  show.  But his TV programmes have got worse, the first two acts last night were just too bad, went to bed after We Are Family.  Because Geldof came on again then. 

I'm in a male voice choir and Geldorf and Marc Almond would be kicked out, sharpish.

A few years ago a friend of mine went to the Hootenanny, it's actually recorded in August!!

melv - be sensible, neither Geldof nor Almond would apply to be in a choir.  Could you do "Tainted Love" justice with your - no doubt - rich, mellifluous baritone/tenor voice?

You should've turned over to Rick & Morty instead.

I don't usually watch it but I knew Queens' Roger Taylor were going to be on it stuff like that usually has a stint behind Drum kid, knowing he wasn't promoting anything wondered what he'd sing


The Dead South were great!

melv - be sensible, neither Geldof nor /Almond would apply to be in a choir. Could you do "Tainted Love" justice with your - no doubt - rich, mellifluous baritone/tenor voice?/

I don't think Marc Almond could do Tainted Love now. He could try and get in our choir but he'd fail the voice test. BTW, I'm a 2nd tenor.

The Dead South were also very good.

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Oh yes, I enjoyed Roger Taylor's Rock'n'Roll.. 

OK...The Dead South has gone on my list of music to investigate. I'd never heard of them...thanks for the introduction. 

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