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New Hotmail Account

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HongKongphooey | 16:21 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | Technology
6 Answers

 We are having a nightmare with our old business email address since we got a new desktop computer (old one conked out) no one can remember the password and as it's an account it's impossible to retrieve. So we have set up a new Hotmail account and I have tried to email a couple of our contacts with stuff and it just sends it straight back undeliverable. I know it's the right email addresses cos they have sent them by text and I ve triple checked they are right and sent several times, they always come back. Yest we've used them regularly before on the old email. It's becoming more of a nightmare with this happening, we can't send out invoices or communicate. Don't want to use personal email address. Ant help tech people?



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Did you try the 'forgot password' in bt email? That should resolve that problem.

Re your new Hotmail account. Have you sent any email successfully?

Have you sent a lot of emails in a short space of time? If so, your new address could be flagged as spam


If you've got a domain name, do you have the option of an email address with it?

Hotmail all changed its now outlook. Use very easy to use and setup

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Yes we've tried forgotten password but it wants to send a verification to an old phone number no longer I'm use. Apparently there's a problem with @ btconnect because you can't set up this email address anymore, it's been scrapped.

I'd forgotten that, how did you manage to set up a Hotmail addy?

If you don't want Outlook, try GMX or GMail

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New Hotmail Account

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