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Where on earth.....

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irving93 | 10:15 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | Riddles
4 Answers
We have a question which we needs answered.

If you walk 1mile South , 1 mile East and 1 mile North you end up at the same place. We beileve there are two places on earth where you can do this.

(WE also think that is the full question if not could someone reply if they have the full question.
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mmm - north pole - and probably south pole
There are an infinite number of points on the earth's surface where this is possible.

The simplest to explain is starting and ending at the North pole.

Now imagine a circle with a circumpherence of one mile drawn around the south pole. Now start one mile North of that circle. Walking 1 mile south will bring you onto that circle. Walking one mile east will take you round the circle exactly once and then i mile north will take you back to where you started.

Now consider a circle around the south pole with a circumpherence of half a mile. The same will apply, but this time walking east will take you exactly twice round the circle before returning north to the start point.

This can be repeated with circles 1/3 mile, 1/4 mile, 1/5 mile . . . 1/nth mile in circumpherence.

* * * CircumFerence * * * of course.
be careful if your circle is less than the stated 1 mile - on the south pole you might just drop ooooooooooooooooff !

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Where on earth.....

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