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Malcopool | 16:11 Mon 26th Jan 2009 | Riddles
7 Answers
Three dingbat puzzlers.

1. A picture of a tombstone with the words "Rest in Piece" on it.

2. Four lines
It's a long way to Tipperary.
Colonel Bogey.
Marching through Georgia.
Lili Marlene.

3. The word HOME in different size letters, the A being small and gradually increasing to the E being the largest.


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1 grave error?
Home on the range
-- answer removed --
Home then letters from a to e gradually inceasing what are the other letters whats the word A to E dont undestand this part of the question
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Oops! Sorry.

There's only one word "HOME" with the letters increasing in size from H to E.
2. Fortunes?
Fortunes of war.

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