'Solemn A, Sombre C etc'. is one football team,' Leaver + County town 'is the other.. Also, could 'Which switch isthe right switch for?' be Ipswich? I'm clueless when it comes to football teams, so any help would be great. Thank you.
Thank you for the answer squarebear. Yes, the question as it appears on the sheet. is exactly as follows
Solemn A, SombreC etc = ( thought it was a typo, hence I separated the C)
Leaver + County town =
'Which switch is the right switch for?'
Does this help?
I like DUN DEE, I had somemthing on the same lines which is GRIMS B (Grimsby)
Still looking for Leaver + county town
and Which switch is the right switch for...........unless it's IPSWICH
Thank you everyone, for all the answers. Another-view, I actually acknowledged squarebear's answer soon after I received it, and answered his query at the same time. See above. I'm still working around Morecambe, not sure about the two S's and the N left over in the anagram though, and Dundee adds another dimension. They are all such good suggestions. However, I'm very tempted with x-ray's Grimsby answer. This is a tricky one!