A small boy went for a walk in the park with his grandfather's hat on. He took a boat out on a lake, the boat capsized, the boy was drown. What became of the old mans hat?
Well I'm not convinced the wording is exactly right as there are some grammatical/spelling errors in there. If the wording is key to this you'll need to be sure you specify the wording correctly. Can you check it?
The boy was drown? Mans hat without an apostrophe?
Are you saying this poor English is a clue to the answer?
I think the answer is that the cap sank.The reference to 'boat capsized 'could mean the boat was cap sized- that is, the size of a cap. No wonder it sank.
Well some of the other English is poor ("the boy was drown") so why shouldn't that bit have been carelessly written / deliberately miswritten too.
I'm not convinced there is an answer unless it's something extremely silly like:
-the hat is on thepark (as the first sentence says..." the park with his grandfather's hat on")
-the grandfather is called SAT ON
-or this is based on an incident in an old fairy tale/nursery rhyme
But as I say I don't think there is an answer. I've seen this on another forum with someone offerring a large reward for the answer. I think it was just a wind-up.