equilibrium in The AnswerBank: Science
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gotchaeme | 01:14 Fri 27th May 2011 | Science
6 Answers
hey does anyone know,
How does saturated potassium chloride effect iron free chloride and potassium thiocyanate equilibrium
thanks so much , i cant find it anywhere !
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This sounds like homework! where have you looked so far?
Do you mean Iron (III) Chloride rather than iron-free chloride?
Maybe you were googling for the wrong thing?
Question Author
ive looked in every book and every website and my teacher wont tell me , she says figure it out for yourself and ive tryed but i need help ive got a few days of college left and if i fail i wont go to uni !
Are you aware of Le Chatelier's principle at all? If you had looked in every book and on every web site you wuld now be in possession of the answer.

I'm sure that this a wind-up. If you fail what? I think the UCAS process is a little more complicated than being determined by failure to answer one chemistry question.
Fe3+(aq) + SCN–(aq) <=> Fe(SCN)2+(aq)
(yellow) (red)
Adding chloride removes Fe3+ ions from the equilibrium so by Le Chatelier's principle the equilibrium moves to the left indicated by the reduction in red colour.

I found hundreds of sites with this answer when I entered 'iron iii chloride and potassium thiocyanate equilibrium' into Google. I suggest you try a different search engine from the one you've been using or invest in a better chemistry book.
It's obvious. Gotcheme picked it up wrong. The teacher has a speech impediment, and pronounces ''iron (III)'' as ''iron (free)''. Oh dear !! ;-)

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