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Nation of complainers...

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Teddy_boy | 23:21 Wed 04th Jan 2012 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Why is it people today seem predisposed to complain?We have storms ,trees are down cutting off power.What happened to resilience and the stiff upper lip?Today its all about whining and complaining.The least little problem and people want to speak to the manager or register a complaint.
When did it all change and why?


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Teddy_boy, tell me, has your power been off for more than 12 hours?..........
Are you referring to my post teddy?
Are you complaining about people complaining?
I don't complain..
///people want to speak to the manager///

Is that aimed at me teddy boy from micmak's thread?
I have only started to complain as I have got older,I never had the guts to do it when I was younger.
When I make a complaint in the supermarket, Im not just doing it for myself I'm doing it so others don't get over charged too.
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No mik.And i remember REGULAR power cuts in the 70s and 3 day weeks.People just got on with it.
Sorry teddy - I'm with micmak here - why should the big boys get away with taking from the little guys? They get enough profit as it is without creaming off a bit more. I don't make a habit of it, but if I find I have been cheated in some way I complain bitterly. I would rather give my money away to where I want it to go than be cheated out of it.
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People now complain out of habit and they seem to always want compensation.Are we in America?Because we have adopted their compensation culture.This isnt aimed directly at any Ab user specifically so don't complain to the manager or seek a refund or compensation.
There is none.
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Oh dear its about greed then, is it?If they are greedy why shouldnt we be?
Teddy_boy, yes we had power cuts in the 70s, not pleasant!....not good today!....Hard for families now as it was back then!......they had no choice but to 'get on with it' but sure they didn't enjoy it a bit!.......
Fortunately for me, I was not in this country in the early 70's. I do remember my parents complaining bitterly about it though.
I complain when I receive a level of service that I think is poor. I do not want compensation I just want the next person to get a better service than I did.
Teddy, Are you saying if you were over charged in the supermarket you wouldn't complain?
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The point remains theres a propensity to complain now, which many have made excuses for.
The 3 day week was great ! I was monthly paid so I got my full pay for doing 3 days a week. Had to go to work but we just sat outside reading the paper as there was nothing we could do with no power . We had a gas ring and kettle so tea and coffee kept flowing.Things would be a lot worse if it happened now , just imagine life with no computers ! I remember we had electric adding machines but you could use them by winding by handle as the eletricity just powered a motor. Anyone remember them ?
Many people today expect everything to be provided for them.

I told a young Salford girl the other day that my fence needed repairs after the high winds. She said "well, get them to do it, then"

When I asked who "they" were, it became obvious that she thought the Council maintained everybody's property.

She was shocked to hear that owner occupiers had to pay for their own repairs & maintenance.
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Mik is that a serious question?
we are 'consumers' these days in virtually all aspects of society. as such, my cash only gets well spent and consumers have rights, teddy. if you want to throw yours away, please be our guest. stiff upper lip and all that is all well and good, but many companies are just out for as much as they can get, which is disgraceful.
Teddy_boy, you haven't answered my original question!...have you got power at your home?
How many times have you had a rubbish meal in a restraunt(sp?) and the waiter comes up and asks if everything is alright and you say 'Oh yes, it's lovely' or spent a fortune at the hairdressers on a new hairdo and it's a mess but you don't complain?
Well, not anymore, no more Mrs nice lady. If I'm not happy, I let them know.

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