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morgangilson | 17:50 Tue 07th Jun 2005 | Science
5 Answers
who was sent to prison for correctly saying that the earth moves around the sun?


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Is this a quiz or are you just trying to remove the green from your username by posting lots of questions?


Aristarchus, the first heliocentric model (310-230 BC).  

You are thinking of Galileo, he was imprisoned and threatened with torture if he did not recant the rediculous notion that the Earth orbits the Sun. he was not the first to discover this but he was the most famous dissenter to the catholic church, who I believe only acknowledged that the Earth was not the centre of the Universe in the last century.

Oh yes I missed the prison bit.

There is also a legend that after he retracted his position that the earth moved around the sun (under threat of torture) he muttered under his breath  "Eppur si muove� (and yet, it still moves.)

No i dont think it is a legend, I think the poor old b**ger did whisper it.....

Even in today's era of forced confessions, it is a wrench for someone to swear what he knows is wrong....

it is only very special martyrs who say No ! No ! I'm not going to swear it! even if you rip my finger nails out....

I'd like to think so too Peter but I can't see how there'd be any reliable source.

Why do you think it's true?

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