Even if you are correct, jake (and I will accept, just for the purposes of this question, that you are) please explain to me how turning off the UK's motorway lights, installing wind turbines (just about the most ineffective way of producing electricity you could devise), making people use unsuitable and dangerous light bulbs, or, if you like, ceasing all human activity in the UK or even Europe as a whole, will have any significant effect whatsoever on the global situation.
Despite all the summits, all the agreeable dinners (hosted at enormous costs in terms of carbon emissions), all the protocols, all the undertakings, global carbon emissions are increasing at an enormous rate. Global emissions are up 50% since 1992 when the first of these "summits" took place. China's figure is up 240%. They are now responsible for a quarter of all emissions and they have absolutely no intention of cutting that rate of increase. Countless other nations - some large some small - show increases well into three figures.
Meantime the EU, responsible for less than half of China's total, showed an increase of 1% despite all its efforts. The UK, responsible for just 2% of the global total, manages a reduction of about 8% mainly through draconian measures and a huge (hidden) "green" levy on energy bills. Peeing in the wind does not adequately describe it.
It's about time that European nations and the UK in particular faced up to the fact that the matter - whatever the causes and whatever the effects - is outside of their control. The alternative is for industries in those nations to be left standing and the economic slump to simply deepen.
I think I've hijacked pdq's question far too much!