Beware boys and girls. Beso might be along at any moment.
I vowed not to get involved with any further “global warming” or “climate change” questions following bitter experience of two during the last couple of months. It’s a shame because I enjoy the debate and everybody bar one expresses their views with courtesy and civility. I particularly enjoy contributions from jake-the-peg and birdie and indeed many others who seem able to debate and argue without insults. I won’t expect you to trawl through all the answers but have picked out a taster. There are some very profound and inflexible statements followed by sheer insults when the going gets tough:
“Global temperature is still rising despite the misinformation promulgated by skeptics and lapped up and repeated by the likes of NewJudge who have no concern for the facts. “
"They [computer models] are calibrated by attempting to match historical conditions. They do so reasonably well and are being improved all the time."
“Grow up and and let the world get on with it. “
"I am sick and tired of the ignorant naysayers who pretend the science is wrong."
“Unfortunately those like NewJudge are happy to leave the massive costs to future generations so he can continue to gluttonously indulge on the planet's resources."
"birdie. You don't understand computer models. “
"The rest of your post is such rubbish is does not warrant further comment. “
“Those who dismiss the problem because it isn't going to affect them directly are very sick people indeed. “
“The cause of the temperature rise is no longer debatable. It is from human activity and the evidence is overwhelming. You are a pathetic hypocrite.”
Then a later question:
“However a vast amount of has gone into refining climate models such that they accurately match the measurements embedded in the geological records of the past. “
“Dozens of independent models are coming up with the results all in the same direction. Increased carbon dioxide causes the atmosphere to retain more heat. The evidence is conclusive. AWG is real. “
“Your lies that the observed reality is short of the modelling make me sick.
If it isn't going to affect you much it doesn't really matter. People with this attitude are incredibly greedy and selfish. “
Finally, the piece de resistance that silenced all his critics:
“It makes you a genuine for sure, but a genuine arseh0le.”
Best of luck with your question, pdg. I hope it is not ruined.