Well you have to dig into the research and not believe what you read second or third hand
Sorry - that means work -but you don't get an informed opinion reading newspapers on stuff like this!
Note natural news don't make it easy by posting a link to their actual reference either ( pet peeve they just want you to tryst what they say)
In fact the only link I can find to that actual claim says Yahoo News October 27, 2003 !
Not impressed!
Note also this article is about 3 years old
In fact most of the actual published papers seem to suggest a reduction in risk for colorectal and pancreatic cancer.
There is some recent discussion linking Aspirin use to macular degeneration
I haven't had a chance to dig into that but the refernce look more encouraging that it's more likely to be serious research.
It wouldn't surprise me that much - reducing the risk of one thing may very well increase the risk of another - there's no magic bullet.
Personall if I was in a high risk group for heart attack or cancer I'd probably take it and make sure I took regular optician check ups
If I was high risk for macular degeneration (close familly with it) I'd probably not