ChatterBank10 mins ago
40Th Anniversary Of The Mobile Phone
14 Answers
Just seen this on the news.
Do you remember your first mobile phone? What was it and when did you get it? If you've ever owned one that is.
Do you remember your first mobile phone? What was it and when did you get it? If you've ever owned one that is.
Best Answer
No best answer has yet been selected by tiggerblue10. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.
For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.I had the Motorola V2288 phone...
http:// image.f fmobile .com/pr oduct/p hoto/41 /77/100 38055.d 0e22a23 1d28e1a 3a181f6 7746c72 81f.jpg
I loved it because it had an FM radio built-in, so I could listen to the footy commentary on a saturday afternoon. Can't remember if I bought it from QVC or somewhere on the high street, but would have been late 90's.
I then had the Nokia 3310, Nokia 8310, Sony Ericsson W810i and the Nokia N8 (My current phone).
I loved it because it had an FM radio built-in, so I could listen to the footy commentary on a saturday afternoon. Can't remember if I bought it from QVC or somewhere on the high street, but would have been late 90's.
I then had the Nokia 3310, Nokia 8310, Sony Ericsson W810i and the Nokia N8 (My current phone).
This was my first mobile in 1993/4.
http:// uk/imgr es?um=1 &hl =en& ;biw=12 94& bih=688 &tb m=isch& amp;tbn id=fV7d dAvE3QF 37M:&am p;imgre furl=ht tp://co mmunity .phones k/a-mom ent-in- tech-ja n-1996/ &do cid=Pmw TcpHQrh wT0M&am p;imgur l=http: //commu ones4u. p-conte nt/uplo ads/201 3/01/Pa nasonic -G350.j pg& w=500&a mp;h=30 0&e i=kqNcU ZatKMfY 0QXK_4D oDg& ;zoom=1 &ia ct=hc&a mp;vpx= 682& ;vpy=13 9&d ur=1644 &ho vh=174& amp;hov w=290&a mp;tx=2 09& ty=113& amp;pag e=1& ;tbnh=1 47& tbnw=24 8&s tart=0& amp;nds p=28&am p;ved=1 t:429,r :4,s:0, i:91
This was my next mobile. these were all the rage in 1997/8.
http:// uk/imgr es?hl=e n&b iw=1294 &bi h=688&a mp;tbm= isch&am p;tbnid =oXxoQ6 T-IsROB M:& imgrefu rl=http ://www. retrofo /motoro la-m301 -mercur y-one2o ne-not- for-sal e-prod- 178.htm l&d ocid=Aw HmwD93y hARpM&a mp;imgu rl=http ://www. retrofo /images /SV2080 23.JPG& amp;w=6 00& h=450&a mp;ei=f qJcUY-w L-7s0gW z7YCIAw &zo om=1&am p;iact= hc& vpx=207 &vp y=132&a mp;dur= 1692&am p;hovh= 194& ;hovw=2 59& tx=110& amp;ty= 106& ;page=1 &tb nh=153& amp;tbn w=214&a mp;star t=0& ;ndsp=3 1&v ed=1t:4 29,r:1, s:0,i:8 2
This was my next mobile. these were all the rage in 1997/8.
I had one of these as my first 'personal' phone in about 1994
http:// www.eri csson.p t/erics son_eh2 37/eric sson_eh 237_01. jpg