"nd why has it not happened before now when all the industrial world was belching smoke out,when every household had coal fires,now the world is a far cleaner place we have "global warming"."
-Because it is a cumulative effect one whose influence spans decades and more and increases with time. Why is this so hard to understand? And if you think that the carbon output from the wests age of industrial revolution exceeded the carbon output of today, with all of the contributions from the developing worlds and the developed world itself, you are seriously mistaken.
"In the last few weeks global warming has been disproved,the arctic ice cap is bigger now than it has been for years,the antarctic ice cap is losing ice on one side but expanding twice as fast on its other side."
It absolutely has not been disproved. Sheesh!. You are offering a transient one-off increase in the artic ice cap when compared to the record low of last year as some sort of evidence of a cooling trend?!! Thats not how it works.
And the suggestion about antarctic ice does not stand up to scrutiny either.
"This argument can go on forever,but if you look through the ages it is a natural phenomena."
Let me ask you this, Razza. Do you think the scientists that contribute to the IPCC, the thousands of meterologists, climateologists etc from around the globe somehow overlooked the natural forcings of the climate? And despite what one might think, climate is not inherently cyclical, naturally oscillating between ice age and warmer times.
Saying "its just nature", imputing that this revelation might be some kind of global facepalm moment, that all the worlds scientists are now looking sheepishly at each other saying "gee guys, how did we miss that?" The natural cyclical variations and long term trends are already factored in to the various models of climate change.
"Apparently each government have been asked to sweep under the carpet the climbdown re global warming.We are being conned out of thousands of pounds because of it."
- And your evidence for this assertion is?
"When all aircraft were grounded in America following 9/11 the mean temperature actually rose 2 degrees and didnt fall back till flights resumed."
- And again, the evidence for this is- where, exactly? And how are correlating the 2? You are aware that global warming is a long-term, decadal, GLOBAL phenomenon rather than some transient isolate event, right?
You are perfectly within your rights to question global warming and climate change. There is some uncertainty within the system, some rather large error bars, and there may well be some natural cycles within the climate we are not yet unfamiliar with. But you need evidence to support these observations, not just superficial observations about transient events extrapolated to explain a global phenomenon.