Quizzes & Puzzles59 mins ago
Alcohol Testing
in the workplace, an infringement of your rights or a good idea?
http:// news.sk y.com/s tory/11 65570/a lcohol- testing -in-wor kplace- recomme nded
Where I used to work if they tested for alcohol half the work force would have been sent home.
11:33 Fri 08th Nov 2013
could do, but i honestly don't know about this, after all unless you work in some highly sensitive business, can't see why this would be a problem. I did read that those who over indulge with alcohol can cost the country dear, by days lost in productivity, but i had thought that ethos of drinking at lunch time had long died out. A mate did find out to his cost that drinking the night before could still show up on the breathalyser the next day, as he got pulled over for a busted tail light, then done for still being over the limit, 12 months driving ban almost cost him his job.
Obviously you dont work in the City emmie. Pubs are usually busy and on some days packed at lunchtime.
I'm a bit skeptical of some of the figures given here, is really every tenth man dependent on alcohol? How do they define dependency?
The problem with this is unscrupulous employers could use it to their advantage, already there are too many people who go to their doctor stressed by work. I can't see this helping that.
Of course, depends on the business you are in, if you drive for a living or are a doctor or something similar then there may be more of a need.
I'm a bit skeptical of some of the figures given here, is really every tenth man dependent on alcohol? How do they define dependency?
The problem with this is unscrupulous employers could use it to their advantage, already there are too many people who go to their doctor stressed by work. I can't see this helping that.
Of course, depends on the business you are in, if you drive for a living or are a doctor or something similar then there may be more of a need.
Probably a good idea.
You should not be alcohol impaired at work, and they employers should be able to know.
I was pondering this last week. 25 years ago the pubs used to be packed at lunchtime with workers on their break. There are now less workers, but the ones that there are, don't drink in the day, whether it is not permitted, personal choice, or the fear of losing their driving license. The pubs that are busy tend to cater for older people and not workers. (Spoons).
You should not be alcohol impaired at work, and they employers should be able to know.
I was pondering this last week. 25 years ago the pubs used to be packed at lunchtime with workers on their break. There are now less workers, but the ones that there are, don't drink in the day, whether it is not permitted, personal choice, or the fear of losing their driving license. The pubs that are busy tend to cater for older people and not workers. (Spoons).
"what business would it be if someone goes for a pint and a pie.."
It would certainly be my business if one of my employees arrived back at work smelling of alcohol!
I think all employers should be able to test their employees. I have known people to arrive for work after a long night out, still half drunk or with hangovers, I would have them out the door before their feet touched the floor!
It would certainly be my business if one of my employees arrived back at work smelling of alcohol!
I think all employers should be able to test their employees. I have known people to arrive for work after a long night out, still half drunk or with hangovers, I would have them out the door before their feet touched the floor!
it is if you are a shelf stacker in tesco's, what difference would it make to them if he/she had an evening drink, what worries me is that some how a low tolerance to alcohol so could show up if they only had one drink of an evening, and yet someone else who is a regular imbiber not at all.
how do they propose to do this - breathalyser the worker before starting work?
how do they propose to do this - breathalyser the worker before starting work?