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Zacs-Master | 14:17 Sat 25th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Holy cow. We're just experiencing a storm here S of York. Torrential rain and very windy from almost nowhere.


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Hope you've battened down the hatches. Stay warm
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Glad I'm not out with the dog.
Spring like here in North Hert's, 12 deg and bright sunshine.
A sudden terrific storm here too, Derby....lots of people caught out, someone with two dogs went rushing by and one of them looked a bit nervous, poor thing.
Sorry I didn't spot your post zac I'm in North Notts and it's getting worse
What storm?
not raining but there is a heck of a wind out there.
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Must have been localised Craft. But I am about 15 miles from you.
How do you know that...are you stalking me.........I'm at the daughters.
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So why the 'what storm' comment?
Well she's south of York as well..........
-- answer removed --
Jordie boy - Will you be celebrating Burns night?
Jordy where are you ma wee sausage ?
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Ah right. Must have been very localised then.
Zacs, we've just had your storm east of Leeds. Suddenly v. windy (blew several wheelie bins over and scattered contents around), and heavy rain. Just like being out in the Atlantic. Finished as quickly as it started, sun now struggling to come through. Yours truly went out with shovel and brush, picking up contents of wheelie bins. At least it isn't snow.
Was stormy here but passed now !!
-- answer removed -- get aboot Jordy !!'s 'orrible here ! .... haste ye back !! Xx

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