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I Have Science Homework, The Question Is The ????e? Has A Hole In It To Let Light Through

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Megan81201 | 20:25 Sun 26th Jan 2014 | Science
45 Answers
Microscopes and cells


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The answer is stage, the teacher did it wrong I just phoned up
great, that must be inspiring!
Eddie - did you or I eva do sex education homework ? in the sexties or wheneva ? I despair of the modern generation and also of the olda generation who try to help.
Oh Great !
The whole world is a stage and we are players. Shakespeare
well, everyone has been played, anyway
No eddie you are right
this thread has a wintry surreal feel to it. - filtered by the weak northern light

that's why I did science and not law - more poetry day to day
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You calling me weak?!?!?!?!
Curiouser and curiouser. Lewis Carroll
PP we never had sex education never mind homework on it! I left school in 1968 they didn't mention the 'birds and the bees' then despite it being the 'swinging 60s'
I was sure it was 'stage' but should have said 5 letters not 6.! sorry.
LOL Megan, no we're not. You're not called Lauren are you?
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It was 6 letters! Coz that's how it was printed and yeah we have puberty homework too
It should have been 5 letters though. Don't understand what this has to do with puberty etc Don't underestimate answerbank contributors!
puberty homework ??? what the hell do you have to do for that?
Sex education (If any) in my day was conducted behind the bike sheds ;-)
i think you probably have to grow some boobs at home Eddie
The Question Is The ????e?

do we think the answer is perhaps troll ?

come (yes pun intended ) to think of it trolley fits good.
In my day we didn't have the teachers phone number and certainly would not have phoned on a Sunday evening. obviously times have changed! Begs the questio though Megan, if you could do easily do that why all the postings here?
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Omg! This is hilarious!! I put one question on coz I was stuck with my homework and I have 60+ year olds beefing at me hahahaha! And yeah that was in YOUR day, not mine? So yeah time has changed but your all taking it out on me I can't help it with the new generation can I?!
Guys, this isn't Chatterbank......

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