"Cognitive bias applies to you." Where of course, I could say that preceding sentence to virtually everyone, including myself in the mirror. So I wasn't making some sort of personal attack, nor indeed was I "defending science". Still, it is a truism to say that the group of people who make the most effort to avoid cognitive bias is Scientists. That they don't always succeed is also true. But to make so much of the problem and to trumpet the benefits of amateurism over learning is just bizarre and runs at odds with the overwhelming set of evidence from recorded history.
The tone of your post was, I think, clear, and your follow-up makes it even more unambiguous. I'd be not entirely surprised if, immediately after watching this programme, a thought crossed your head along the lines of "Wow, I can't believe just how wrong everyone else is..." A programme like this really ought to undermine confidence in the ability of the individual to be trusted, rather than the collective.