I'd suggest designing a working ratchet spanner in plastic. I've made normal spanners on a 3D printer but never tried a ratchet spanner as it requires bearings. I will at some point attempt to made one.
I'm also in the process of having a Morgan wheel nut tool cut out of 316SS to see how it looks. If that works I'm going to make it out of plastic. It needs to be light and it needs to be as small (but still able to do the job) as possible. I've spent hours on AutoCAD designing it so that it is as user friendly as possible.
TonyV: Wired wheel for the hub nut. Without looking on my CAD image or going out to the car I don't know the size of the top of my head. I'm take a stab in the dark and say it's 17mm.
I have a tool already which was supplied by the Morgan retailer however it's impractical without having a hammer (or mallet) with you if you need to change the tyre by the road side. I'm building an extendible tool which takes up the same amount of room then will go through the Morgan Club and sell it to other Morgan owners.
A plastic socket set has been designed but never released for sale. I've got a photograph somewhere....
The problem is that the plastic (usually ABS) is too brittle. Plastic spanners already exists but I've not seen any designs out there for a plastic ratchet spanner. I'd go with a 10mm and 13mm; 13mm are like rocking horse *$£$ lol.
TonyV: You're most probably right, I'm tired and to be honest I've not worked on the design for months. I'll drag out the CAD file and check. It's bothering me now!