no its not true. Excellent dental hygiene can slow the recession. There is also a corsodyl for daily use now but I can’t use it because it unbalances my mouth and I get oral thrush. I use Ultradex instead. My dentist says I do well with oral hygiene so it must wotk.
Corsodyl treats bleeding gums (very efficiently in my opinion) and therefore gum disease which is what damages gums and therefore loosens teeth. It hasn't changed the colour of my teeth . I use the mouthwash too.
BUT - when I ws on chemotherapy I very sensibly spent money on getting my teeth into shape - getting an abs when you have no white cells is fraught with problems
amd when I went into remission - my dentist went
that is very odd - your gum recession has got better ( but not disappeared )
PP you were immuno suppressed weren’t you? When Cyclosporine is used in dogs to treat atopic allergies, one of the side effects can be regrowth, in fact, overgrowth of gum tissue. Like yours, its not a course of action I would recommend to regrow receding gums.