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Smart Meters

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bodeker | 13:24 Mon 14th Nov 2016 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Sorry not sure what to put this under. Got a letter today saying they were coming to put Smart meters in our area shortly and to phone and arrange a date. I presume others must have had these meters put in, do they benefit us or is it just for Scottish Powers good.


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...some people love em and some don't.
Personally, I'd ring and say that you don't want one - see what they say!
(I'm holding out until (if ever) they are legally obliged to fit them).
Your main benefit is not having to be in for meter readings. Scottish Powers main benefit is not having to employ a meter reader. You will get a monitor to show your usage in real time but this is of little or no use unless you can use it to find a big user of power you were unaware of which is not likely.
ginge, you are well within your rights to refuse a smart meter at the moment, but if your supplier says your meter is old and needs replacing, you have no choice. You can ask them to turn the smart function off or just ignore it.
Ive had a smart meter in my kutchen a couple of years now. Ive found it very good. keeps you in touch with your money. Dont worry, If you dont like it you can just unplug it and put in the the drawer. You dont have to use it. Its just a guide to let you know what appliances are using up high energy and how much your gas and electricity is costing you every week/month.
That's an energy monitor not a smart meter I'm sure.
They neither save you money nor put you in control. Presently you already have control. You have a meter you can read and monitor do you not ? Put in a "smart" meter and you pass control to the supply company and potentially, "hackers". And the only way to save money is to use less energy which you could already do, if a lower standard if living is acceptable to you. It is a complete waste of your money (since it is the customers who always pay the cost one way or another, eventually).
As the energy companies have to have smart meters available by 2020, the cost is already being paid by their customers.They do nothing for nothing. Smart meters mean never having to get in the cupboard under the stairs or some retired bloke reading the meter. And if you are really sad you can sit around the monitor instead of watching T.V.
I have one and they are as geogiesmum described. I love it! You keep an eye on the cost of energy used, and therefore control it better if you need to. No unexpected large bill because you will have some idea, and no guessed bills, just what you owe. I'd actually recommend it.
That is the monitor. The smart meter replaces your old meter and gives the energy provider instant, remote access to your supply and energy usage.
The data will be able to tell them when you are using electricity and when you are not.
If you don't pay your bills and the company gets a court order to disconnect your supply it can be done from their offices.
If their is an energy crisis your supply can be disconnected at will (never done without very good reason in extremis). This means that your neighbour who needs a constant supply for a life support machine is never disconnected.
You don't have to use the monitor, you can stick it in a drawer and forget about it but the smart meter will still be in use.

As already stated, the advantages to you are:
no more meter readings
you will know exactly how much you owe the company in real time, in pounds and pence, by looking at the monitor
no more estimated bills

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