// Evolution is a constant thing. Some people seem to be assuming we’ve reached our zenith. //
Gould and Niles ( yeah the soup nazi that one) developed the theory of punctuated evolution - there were periods when evolution seemed to stop and then accelerate. I rather obviously think in relation to change of conditions but others dont
They were so pleased with this that they peddled it as their own theory rather than a variation of evolution
// Some people seem to be assuming we’ve reached our zenith//
this began with Darwins idea of the tree of Life with man at the top and monkeys nearly at the top
This corresponded with the imperial idea - europeans on top and eer the others lower. And the god given mission to civilise
( what do you think of European Civilisation ? It would be a good idea if they were - Gandhi) ( What do you think of the French Revolution - it is too early to tell. Zhou En Lai)
and also the whig view of history
History is on the up and up and always gets better - you know like Trump is much better than what came before, and Zim is much better than S Rhodesia was.
and there is evidence that Darwin realised later on that it did NOT flow from his theories....
These ideas can be rated as diff to v diff
and if you really want to torture yourself then
evo-devo is the subject for you !
taught at uni and the set book is:
by one S J Gould.
it IS a long read (1500 p)