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Have You Had Your Flu Jab Yet ?

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Canary42 | 21:02 Sat 15th Dec 2018 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Feeling very self-righteous having just had mine, with no after-effects.

Mind you, the cynical side of me believes it's a harmless placebo to support the obscene profits of the Drug Giants', ripping off the People's NHS again.

As it's not guaranteed against all strains, how would we ever know whether it's effective or not ?



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I ALWAYS have the flu jab, having had proper flu even the most offchance odds of preventing it is good enough for me. I honestly thought I was going to die :(
21:08 Sat 15th Dec 2018
How would we ever know, Canary? My thoughts exactly which is why I would never, ever have the flu jab....x
Fewer people dying maybe?
Oh do stop this prissy mouthed grumping at abers, Baldric. Not everyone is on the site all the time.
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1st one this month Baldric. Other topics get far more repeats (e.g. Brexit, xenophobia).

It's time you cheered up now, in time for the season of goodwill.
I ALWAYS have the flu jab, having had proper flu even the most offchance odds of preventing it is good enough for me. I honestly thought I was going to die :(
In October, yes

If you have Flu, that's proper Flu, you will know, trust me.
People who don't have vaccinations are indulging their own paranoia at the expense of the health of we, the herd. My granddaughters' lives are being put at risk by cranks.
Yes. We should all take advantage of any preventative medication offered.
Had flu jab in November, pneumonia jab last Monday and shingles due in January. Mum always said to take everything on offer to fight diseases!
Atheist....for eleven years I looked after a husband with no immune system. I was told I should have the flu jab to protect him. I chose not to and would do so again.
I did him no harm...but the folk who, every year, wanted me to have the flu jab eventually killed him by giving him CDiff.....and we all know how they do that, don't we?
I much prefer to trust my instinct that trust those with an ulterior motive...x
I had my first ever flu jab in October also pneumonia jab one in the left and one in the right arm. The nurse said that you only have to have the pneumonia jab once.
That's right, Tonyav. Once in a lifetime.
Had both, flu and pneumonia jabs, a couple of weeks ago. Both in the same arm.
Do you have to be over a certain age to have a flu jab?
The only time i ever had a flu jab I had the worst winter ever for illness, never had one since and apart from general snuffles I've been fine.
Anyone can pay for their own Flu jab at any age.
You can get one (that you pay for) at a phamacy (I got mine at Sainsbury’s this year). No idea how effective it is but I got mine because of my history.
Not sure about that, 237SJ.

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