The simple fact is, it's impossible to judge if President Trump hates the media more than the media hate him.
Politicians know that courting a relationship with the media is like being famous - it's running on a barbed-wire treadmill, you need to know exactly how to run, or it will cut you to pieces.
President Trump has not learned that he is not Donald Trump TV star anymore, he is a politician now.
Except he isn't.
He has no political experience, shows no signs of even thinking about learning to be one, or understanding how the political system works.
President Trump thinks he is a fantastic guy, and he is genuinely confused and hurt when everyone else does not perceive him in that way. It doesn't matter if they are women he is meeting for the first time, or reporters, or world leaders, he approaches everyone in exactly the same way - they must like him a lot because he is a fantastic guy.
Unfortunately, in tandem with that deep sense of self-wonder is a seriously thin skin.
Most politicians who have risen even to middle ranks, have already had enough experience of hostility, media and otherwise, to grow a skin as thick as several rhinos. President Trump, not being, and not becoming a politician, lacks that experience, and is totally wounded and furious in equal measure about every slight, real or perceived, than comes his way.
He hits back through unconsidered and nasty Tweets, and the media simply goad him even more, and so it goes on.
President Trump has made some limited progress with North Korea, but that is a lot more to do with the pragmatism of the Korean leader and government that the all round fabulousness of the President - but guess what he thinks the reasons are?
That is why he is again baffled when the Koreans walk away from negotiations. It's because this is not building a gold course, or fronting a TV show, this is world stage top level politics, and President Trump believes his own personal fabulousness should carry him through to get what he wants.
It won't - be he will never learn from that, because he is surrounded by other non-politicians telling him how fabulous he is.
President Trump hasn't the knowledge, the experience, or the personality to be a President - he was elected by a fluke, even ne didn't think he'd win, and how he must sit it out until he can go back to his business world where his delusions matter a lot less.