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Good Morning Super Moon

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alinic | 03:32 Wed 08th Apr 2020 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Wow moon is amazing ! Hope some of you managed see it.
Was going to post picture but if my memory serve me right you had to upload from a site? Can't remember.
Happy day peopl...
Regards Ali.


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morning Ali, can't see anything at the moment, perhaps there is too much cloud...
Yes bigger, brighter when it comes from behind the clouds.
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I am near the Scottish borders and it's very clear her emmie where are you?
down in the capital, so can't see anything at the moment....
I'm on the Wirral.
Morning Ali and emmie. Too cloudy in this bit of Gloucestershire. I saw the last one though.
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Morning wbm and theland it's very still out there stood for a few moments drinking a cuppa you can hear a pin drop!
I live in a rural setting 4 houses! Lucky me.....
Regards ali.
i stood on the balcony hoping to see the moon but think it;s too cloudy, but the beautiful dawn chorus is alive and well, little birdies singing their hearts out...
That sounds nice ali. I'm on a small estate, about 70 bungalows, very pleasant.
I saw it at 03:35, at its prime veiwing time it did look great and pleased to report that Warewolves were self isolating apparently.

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Good Morning Super Moon

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