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Time Travel

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Bazile | 16:17 Sun 24th May 2020 | Science
61 Answers
If it became possible , would it be more probable to travel back in time because it has already happened , as opposed to travel to the future , which has not yet happened


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bookmakers exist, QED there will never be time travel. Next!
Tell that to Stephen King, TTT. The main character in his brilliant 22-11-63 travels back in time to thwart the assassination on JFK. However, he first has to ascertain that Oswald was indeed the sniper. In order to do this, he has to remain in the past for some time and he initially makes enough to live on by placing some moderate 'dead cert' bets.
Ken, Mr King writes fiction.
That's it, burst my bubble!!!
Time travel is impossible.
That's what you said next week.
I used to travel through time when I was stationed in Germany. The flight from Hannover to Luton took approx. 50 mins. On occasion, we could set off at, say, 1400 hrs and touch down in Luton at 1350 hours. So thmmmer.
given knowledge of human nature my answer at 18:17 is 100% correct and undeniable. Bookmakers would not exist if time travel was possible, end of, move on.
//We can't go to a destination that doesn't exist, therefore I would say that time travel to the past is the only option. //

Actually I think time travel forwards is the one that you can do if you go fast enough. ie if you head out into space at the speed of light and then come back after five years, 50 years will have passed on earth, so you've effectively travelled 45 years into the future.
Who says that the "future" isn't already happening ? In fact who can prove that all possible futures aren't already happening ? You will already be in some of them. The "you" who is here though, may have trouble accessing other moments where "you" are.
TTT, have you never considered that time travel is possible but exclusive only to bookmakers. Obviously they have to forego some of their knowledge in order to let us have a little nibble now and then, just to keep us in the game.
As I've said on many occasion on AB, I give the bookmaker some of my hard earned and, every now and then, he LENDS me some of it back.
I’d say the fact that the bookies always win proves that time travel is a fact!
Anyway, time is an abstract concept. The multiverse theory says that there are an infinite number of universes where everything possible happens, so you wouldn’t be moving backwards or forwards, merely changing lanes, so to speak.
Assuming you believe the multiverse principle there is no reason the future could not be running ahead of us as the past is behind.
There is no ahead or behind, there is only now, repeated infinitely with every conceivable option happening.
Time travel to the future is definitely possible due to the ‘time dilation’ effect when travelling close to the speed of light.

For someone travelling close to the speed of light, time slows – the closer to the speed of light, the greater the effect.

So it is not science fiction that two twins (born at the same time), one placed in a spaceship travelling the universe at close to the speed of light – could return to earth at say aged 10, to find their twin living on earth to be over 80 years of age.

By travelling very close to the speed of light, it is possible to travel 100s if not 1,000s of years into the future.
But it's a single ticket trip.
Hey baby thanks for pointing out the past has already happened and the future has not yet happened. Without that helpful clarification I would never have known
// But it's a single ticket trip. //

Pretty amazing that you can get a ticket in the first place though OG. Let's not quibble about the choice on offer.
I have just finished a programme about time travel.

The City on the Edge of Forever - Star Trek TOS.

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