1. Write a complete JavaScript program to prompt the user for the radius of a sphere, then call function sphere_surface to calculate and display the surface of the sphere.
Hint: Use the statement volume = (4.0 ) * Math. PI * Math. pow ( radius, 2 ) to calculate the volume.
I refer you to your college's Policy and Personnel Guide for students:
Cheating or plagiarism in any form is considered a serious violation of student code of conduct and may result in disciplinary action.
The student should receive a zero grade for any dishonest work (homework assignments), or cheating or attempting to cheat in any of the written examinations.
The Vice-Dean may recommend placing the dishonest student(s) on the college disciplinary probation list.
If you are just beginning then you need to start the right way. If you do not understand the work ask your tutor for help. Do not get used to having someone else do your work. They cannot do your exams for you.