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The Weather,Wots Yours?

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Bobbisox1 | 10:28 Sat 14th Nov 2020 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
Very dark and dull here right now so I've got my LIGHTUP4LOCKDOWN lights twinkling in the window


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11:05 Sat 14th Nov 2020
God, you're dead common you Bobbie!!
dull, drab, and wet, pretty much as its been for the last week, aint going anywhere but it's pretty grim for all that
It's howling out there, not sure if its raining. I don't intend to get close enough just yet. A nice hot shower is beckoning.
Rather damp outside and a bit of rain at the moment. Might change later on. Not that cold for time of the year though. Have had to have lights on quite a lot recently. Think the sky is going to land on us.
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Common as clarts as they oop Norf ILM haha
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Pasta today is the kitty day isn't it?
Very, very wet here and apparently going to be so all day - oh joy!
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We have a very 'leafy' day, they're blowing up over then falling :0)
Blowing a Gale. Very grey looking and miserable with driving misty rain.
Time to stay indoors snuggled up in the warm with a good book or a really old film.
Been raining here since around 6am and it hasn't stopped. not very cold though. Got a large oak tree just outside of our garden on council land but it likes to drop most of its leaves on our side of the hedge.
wet, windy and dark here in leicestershire, apart from that it's a lovely day
Grey sky here but bright, gentle breeze, damp and cold tho!
A bit overcast but dry and mild here in Wilmslow. Been off work this week and been able to spend every day so far in the garden.
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Woofster take a BA, that made me LOL
Quite grim down here. Glad I've got a tumble dryer!
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My Mam always used to say
" the dark days afore Christmas"
wet and very windy here in Bristol
Sounds good Tigger. I seem to find that a lot of things can't be tumbled and just hate drying things indoors.
Dull at the moment, but at least it is dry.

Supposed to get wet and windy later.

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