Hi Everyone. I have a problem with my teeth. I visit the dentisit as an NHS patient. I need to have several teeth removed. The dentist referred me to a hostpital, but that was over 6 months ago and I am still waiting for an appointment to have them removed. I have had several emergency appointments with my dentist since the referral, as my teeth hurt....which he has always fixed
The cost of having them out privately is prohibitive - nearly £1000, but my dentist wont remove them on the NHS. Can anyone clarify the situation. Should my dentists remove them on the NHS or is it case of wait, wait,wait for an appointment at hospital
If your dentist won't remover them and has referred you to hospital there must be a good reason, I suggest you ask him why he can't take them out as a NHS patient.
The dentist might feel that the removal can only be done under general anaesthesia, which can only be administered by a qualified anaesthetist these days. Under such circumstances, he has no choice other than to refuse to treat you in his surgery.
We have long waiting lists in my hospital 8-9 months for some dental treatment, General anaesthetic(which is only for children) is 10-12 months, conscious sedation(adults) a similar time, surgical extractions can be done on the day but some will go on a waiting list.