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More Just For Fun - Win A Brand New Car?

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kuiperbelt | 14:41 Wed 03rd May 2023 | Science
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This is known as the Monty Hall problem. If you swap to the unopened door, you double your chance of winning the car.
14:48 Wed 03rd May 2023
I'd open the door that had the car behind it.
This is known as the Monty Hall problem.
If you swap to the unopened door, you double your chance of winning the car.
It's the famous monty hall problem, you should ALWAYS change your mind.
It can at first seem like it does not matter but it does.
I agree with the answers above, but I would note that you have to be very careful about how the problem is stated, what the host can do, what the host knows beforehand, etc.

There's a full discussion here (and, from memory at least, I think TTT's video might hint at this too):

But the basic summary is that, after the goat door is opened, unless the host is perverse and only offers you the chance to switch if he knows that doing so would lose, then you should switch: you won't be worse off, although whether you win 2/3 of the time or not depends on how the host chooses which door to open.

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