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Olympian Ants

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naomi24 | 18:06 Sun 11th Aug 2024 | Science
10 Answers

Mathematics for those who can be bothered.  I've just watched an ant run across a 12 inch patio tile in a second or two.  Given his size, that seems a long way for him to run in such a short time.  If he were man-size - say 6ft tall - and the tile was enlarged proportionately, how far and how fast would he have run?

Funny the things you think about when you're doing nothing in particular on a sunny Sunday afternoon.  



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Not sure about the calulations but any track running would be done anty clockwise.

Did you get to measure the ant so folk can compare with a 6' man ?

the relay would have to be done over 6 legs

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He was only a little chap, OG.  A couple of millimetres at the most.

depends on the species but according to this example  they'd be running at 859kph!


The silver ants can run their body length in less than a hundredth of a second—the equivalent of a human running 400 miles an hour.

Fun fact: the strongest animal for its size is the dung beetle apparently!

Ant the winner is - 

//Fun fact: the strongest animal for its size is the dung beetle apparently!//

Coming from you TTT, I'm convinced 😉

Another ant fact.

Army ants walk in a line, follow the leader. Sometimes they lose their way, walking in a big circle until they die of exhaustion 

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Olympian Ants

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