63 Year Coal Fire....can't Help Global...
News1 min ago
Daily I eat only one slice of toast for breakfat but my toaster is a twin slice model. Single slice toasters are rare and expensive.
Can someone with mathematical skill work out if there is any significant annual saving, toasting 2 slices every day, (3 mins), putting the second one in a bag and reheating it for say 30 secs the next day.
I presume you mean 2 slices every other day. So over two days instead of 6 minutes you use it for 3m30s (3 minutes one day, 1/2 minutes next day and so on). So you get (6-3.5)/6 saving, or 42% saving on your toaster costs (whether that is significant depends on how much electricity your toaster uses over a year and what your local charge rate is).
Someone check my arithmetic/reasoning please.
I don't get the logic behind the theory your saving electricity by re-heating it at a later time.
Your more likely to save electricity by turning off appliances that are in stand by.
That said if you have electrical skills or know a friends who has you could disable the wiring to the second eliment that in your case is heating up when you don't need it.
So basically your modifying the toaster to only heat up one side.
If I understand it correctly, hes saying the other redundant side is heating up even when there is no bread in it, which equals wasted electricity.
But its an idea to basically cut the supply to one side by disabling the wiring to that side.
Making it a one sided toaster, or single toaster but my cheaper than buying a single toaster.
Most two slice toasters are about 750w. If you use one for three minutes every day for a year you will use it for (365 x 3/60) = 18.25 hours, so it will consume (18.25 x 0.75) = 13.6 Kilowatt Hours (KwH).
My supplier charges 22p per KwH. Assuming yours charges the same or thereabouts, using your toaster in the wasteful way you do costs you about three quid a year.
If you did two slices every other day and ate the second one cold, you would save £1.50. If you wanted to heat it for 30 secs it would cost you 25p over a year, so you’d save £1.25. You could avoid that expense by eating the toast cold. Toast should be eaten cold anyway – it makes the butter and Marmite easier to spread.
My overall opinion is it’s hardly worth faffing about. Just do your toast when you want it and enjoy! 😀
I once read that using the toaster without putting bread in both slots meant the elements in the unoccupied slot would burn each other out. I'm not entirely sure about that, though.
Anyway, eating a reheated slice of toast every other day to save £3 per year seems too much of a faff and not very enjoyable.