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Haitian Recipes, Do They Use Lots Of Herbs And Spices?

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sandyRoe | 09:39 Tue 17th Sep 2024 | Food & Drink
35 Answers

If you weren't squeamish the protein element of the meal shouldn't present a problem.




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If i was a gambling man, i'd bet i'm the only one not getting it.
09:58 Tue 17th Sep 2024

Don't tell me - you're bored.


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This isn't a criticism of Haitians, but rather  of  the deranged bigot who would use racism to promote his aims.

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I shouldn't be telling you this, but I know it will go no further, I'm on a small stipend from AB to ask interesting questions in the morning to wake the place up.

What on earth are you two on about ? 😂😂😂

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wolf63 is referencing a member who asks when I post an interesting question if I'm bored or have nothing better to do.

Trump accusing Haitians of stealing families cats and dogs and eating them

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And generally they're right


Sandy, you told me about your stipend from AB ages back, and asked me not to let anyone else know. Now you've told Wolf, i'm left wondering just how many other ABers you've told. Soon the whole membership will know.

I get it too, Ken. sandy thinks he's the only one, but he isn't. 

If i was a gambling man, i'd bet i'm the only one not getting it.

I remember my father in the 60s when we visited Tahiti  being told not to ask for a hot dog from a cafe as that is probably what he would have ended up with.  Probably winding him up but you never know.

I remember being told similar about a local Chinese restaurant in the 60s

Ah, this probably accounts for any Brexit trolls then. They wake up the place again 🥱

09.49 thanks barry, genuinely had no idea!

I have only done 5 answers - full house for " what dat den"

Well.... my view is that they use full regular mark 7 spices to disguise the cat smell and taste

and any upset later ( so long as their bog flushes) is referred to as " catharsis" ! haw haw haw

answer 19 - doggone ! they're getting it !

Here you go, Aunt Polly;




Vance and you read it first here, has admitted to making it up as a fr'instance - - and Trump swallowed it whote - Haw haw haw - he didnt admit that bit

oops - running mate for Trump

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Doused with plenty of catsup, I suppose.

yeah, yeah and if they invite guests to the feast

suppose a childless cat lady slips onto the guest list - - they do a cat roll call, in and out ! haw haw haw

I counted them in.... ( thanks to Ian McDonald)

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