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Space X

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Maydup | 13:48 Sun 13th Oct 2024 | News
63 Answers

Space X have just successfully returned a rocket to the launch pad. 
An historic and incredibly impressive moment but totally unnecessary and terrifying. Unless you want to live on Mars of course. 



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I guess Musk has to spend his 💰 money somehow 🤷 

FGS stop it with the rowlocks. Of course it's necessary. Do you have any sense?

There's always those that want to taint a magnificent feat of engineering and physics. If we listened to people like maydup we'd still be living in caves.

^^^^And if we'd listened to'people like Maydup ' we'd probably still have our protective Atmospheric layers around the earth. 

oh gawd I've woke up the weird beards now!

Oh dear. They're still there old fruit.

Once again out come the unpleasant epithets for those who he doesn't agree with but is unable to present an effective argument. 

Anybody got a link?

canary: "Once again out come the unpleasant epithets for those who he doesn't agree with but is unable to present an effective argument." - ok fair enough but this is not about agree or not it's about the mind numbing depths of ignorance that must exist to even think some of the things they come out with. How small their minds must be that they cannot look beyond their immediate thoughts.

"And if we'd listened to'people like Maydup ' we'd probably still have our protective Atmospheric layers around the earth."

Which of them has vanished, then?

14:25 yes the ignorance is strong judge!

The protective atmospheric layers are being damaged by all the space travel. 

TTT--I resent your insulting remarks. This is meant to be a civilised site . 

14:29 no they are not, space flights are so rare that the effects are dwarfed by other natural phenomenon.

14:31 Then start making sense, I find such ignorance offensive.

Being offended by the fact that some people are less intelligent or informed than you is a very strange attribute which I haven't come across before.


A magnificent achievement, well done to them!

"The protective atmospheric layers are being damaged by all the space travel."

So they're still there then (although possibly - but arguably - damaged by the fairly small number of rocket launches seen each year). You suggested they are no longer there. 

//This is meant to be a civilised site//

You haven't been on here for a while eh? 😉

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