the metal that our blood uses is iron, iron has a tendancy to to form redish looking compounds when oxidised,
no to through a spanner in the works, octopi have a copper based molecule that carries oxygen as opposed to our iron bassed infact an octopus's blood is pale blue...
so to finally answer your question it's the metal in our blood which determines it's colour
if our blood utelised potassium we would have purple blood just hypothetically :-)
Blood is coloured red because the ingredients in blood absorb all the other wavelengths in the colour spectrum except red. hence you can see red. This applies to all colours that you see. the sky is blue because the atmosphere absorbs all colours of the spectrum except blue.
oooh alvin100 !! I was sooo hoping that nobody was gonna give that reply! I swear that is the third time I have seen someone on AB say that! It makes me groan everytime, how can people really think that?