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brenda123 | 22:14 Thu 31st Aug 2006 | Science
11 Answers
Is it true that Plaice are the only fish that have a period


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brenda123 I think you have lost the plaice
I've heard rumours that this applies to Skate. But shouldn't this be under 'Animals and Nature'? Surely mis-plaiced.
i'm not sure but i know that sharks are the only fish that can drown (if they stop swimming so the always swim....)
nemesis07, I don't think that is true for all sharks.
It is true for all proper sharks as they don't have a floatation bladder. It's only by swimming that they can keep oxygenated water flowing across their gills.
no there are several species of fish who have a period:

Porcupinefish (2)
Tiger Shark
Florida Gar
Giantsquirrelfish (3)

The list is endless
After a little googling, I have found multiple documents suggesting that several species of sharks do not need to keep swimming all the time. folderid=6179&depth=2&rootid=6160&level2id=6179&level1=&level2=6179&toptab=2 ks/anatomy/Gills.shtml Shark.html

I've only heard of Skate having periods... the wings have a red tinge and smell strongly of ammonia.
Fish don't have periods.
Imagine Jaws with PMT
Yes they do somebody17
Nice one Trakcab hadn't thought of that.... Scary

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