Be that as it may, Lazy Gun, there are many other credentialed scientists that have found fault with the premise re: The Peppered Moth... (I was unaware of Wells predisposition, by the way). Good examples would be Fine Tuning the Peppered Moth Paradigm, by Bruce S. Grant, Department of Biology, College of William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA, Craig Holdrege (1999). "The Case of the Peppered Moth Illusion," Whole Earth (Spring 2000 Issue), Judith Hooper (2002), Of Moths and Men, Jerry A. Coyne, Not Black and White in Nature, Vol. 396, Nov. 5, 1998, pp 35-36, ad infinitum. I realize full well that with just a little effort, you will be able to provide your own list in support of your position. I respect that and am simply engaging in drestie's prescient observation. I wouldn't be quite so hasty in dismissing Mr. Wells writings base solely on his perceived predjudice... to do so will eliminate just about all opponents, one or the my opinion...