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Intelligent Design or Evolution?

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Opiates | 18:02 Tue 05th Dec 2006 | Science
7 Answers
I posted a well argued, fair comment and question but it hasn't been displayed, I am a victim!! arrgh.



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Well unless it displays in your "My Questions" list as being removed, you are probably a victim of the recent problems with AB, and nothing more. Over the last two weeks or so, about 75 per cent of my answers have failed to appear, and I often find it impossible to read questions, as AB just fails to respond.
I have learned thru my own frustration to compose and save my lengthier sermons in a word document, prior to submission . . . just in case . . .
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I wanted to cry.

I appreciate your suggesstions. I did copy the text to paste and save it, because i also wanted to email it to the world i know and the people i know in it, but i forgot.


Maybe it's a sign!
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Thank You Jake the Genius!! : )..mwahs.
I've been wondering which of us is feeling the greatest frustration over you losing your question to cyber-space. What a tease . . . arrrggh!
Question Author
Stop teasing .... i feel bad each time i have to enable my messages from AB in my junk mail just to get back here and find out that someone is trying to be clever or smart, or tease .....

it all adds to the frustration, right now i'd say that i was most frustrated. there is no need for anyone else to be frustrated for me ... i can deal with it .... might just lose a bit of hair .... : )...

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Intelligent Design or Evolution?

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