Headache cure in The AnswerBank: Health & Fitness
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Headache cure

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Vic27 | 15:28 Tue 27th Feb 2007 | Health & Fitness
5 Answers
I've had a headache on and off for a week or so, I've taken painkillers which help but I ideally dont want to pop pills.

Does anyone know of another method of painrelief.

Any 'old wifes tales' greatly received.
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Don't you think you should visit your GP. Headaches that last for any length of time may indicate a serious condition or at worst a brain tumour?
Sometimes taking too much in the way of pain relief can cause headaches so if you can do without occasionally it might be an idea to try that. A lot depends on what type of headache it is too. Sometimes a tension headache can be cured by relaxation techniques. Have you had your eyes tested - could it be a result of eye problems? I used to get migraines which caused pain and nausea (down to stress and certain foods) but I now do Tai Chi which incorporates a lot of breathing exercises which help oxygen intake and I rarely get headaches now. Good luck but as Kwicky says - if it persisits see a doctor.
You can buy from the chemist a stick thing to rub on your head. It is called forehead i think.
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I've had my eyes tested about a week ago and it came up with no problems.

Thank you winny I'm off to buy one at lunchtime.
I used to suffer daily headaches. Even after having my eyes tested, cutting down on my tea and coffee (caffine), spending a fortune on "popping pills", I still had them.

Then I found out that most headaches are caused by being dehydrated.

Now, if I get a headache, I drink a pint of water and its gone within the hour.

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