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susicay | 20:31 Thu 15th Mar 2007 | Science
5 Answers
can anyone tell me how to find what height I am above sealevel . I need to enter the information on a home weather station, thankyou


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You phone your nearest weather centre. It's a recorded message so listen carefully.
If you have Google Earth installed you can hover the mouse pointer over your location and read-off your elevation.
Another method:
Enter your postcode at to get a street plan of your area. Click the 'minus' button to zoom out, so that you now have an OS map. Look for the nearest contour line to your house. (Contour lines are an orangish-brown colour). The number on this line (printed in the same colour) gives you the height, in metres, above sea-level.

Im the same height at sea level as i am above it, 5' 11"
A good old Ordnance Survey map and some dead reckoning.....

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