For all those that are currently pregnant... please don't let this worry you! Didn't know where else to put it though. I had an emergency C-Section (11 weeks ago now) and ever since, round the area where my scar is I have no feeling whatsoever. It's almost like still being under the anaesthetic. I know when Im being touched there but cannot feel any sensation (i.e can't feel hot/cold/pain etc) around it. Have been to GP and they are referring me but have a wait of at least 8 weeks before my appointment. Has anyone else ever had this? What happened? Should I be worried? Or is it quite a common side effect?
Hi Kaz, please don't worry yourself- its very common to have this numbness. If you think about how deep a wound you have its going to take a long time to recover - all those layers of muscle! My little boy is 7.5 months old and my tum has only recently started to regain feeling - you'll find the bit under your belly button (usually the where most fat is stored) will take the longest to heal. Its part of your body's way of protecting itself after all the trauma. Try to rest when you can (ha! yes I just re-read that, not likely with a baby eh?) Take care Mrs JG x
i have a c section over 7 years ago, i had exteme numbness for months, in fact years. The exact scar line albeit shrunk is still numb really and doesnt feel part of me. It doesn't hurt, just know that the nerves aren;t quite the same if that makes sense? Good luck with your recovery and judging similar questions i've seen on here reagrding this subject - it seems very common indeed. Welcome to the C section club! xx
I had mine five and a half years ago and still have hardly any sensation in that area. Like the others have said, it's quite common.
I was told to expect for it to take about a year to be fully recovered - it is a major op.
I remember about four monthe after I had it I was at the supermarket,grabbed a very heavy trolly and swung it round. The pain was incredible - I thought I must have burst open my wound and expected to see bits of me lying all over the floor.
Congratulations on the new baby - a boy or a girl?