do commom british house spiders etc sleep plus how long do they live for. Also is it true that when spiders mate the female does kill the male by eating its head half way through mating
Depends on the breed. I think most sleep during the day as my cottage is full of them at night! Some can live for years (I had a pet tarantula who was 10yrs old & she would've lived longer if some guests I had hadn't used tons of spray deodorant near her!). I think it's preying mantis that bite the head off their mate, not spiders, although some females wind the male up in silk after mating and keep him for a snack later!
There ar quite a few spiders of which the female eats, or tries to, eat the male after mating, but probably the worst is the female Redback Spider, which tries to snack on its mate while its performing the deed.
female house spiders usually live up to 4 years, male house spiders have short lives they mate with the female spider and he will stay with her until he dies when she then eats his remains, im not to sure about the sleeping but i think they rest in the day but any disturbances to there web they awake.