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What is Platinine ?

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gregcropper | 22:41 Fri 31st Aug 2007 | Science
5 Answers
I have seen pens described as being made of platinine. Is this an alloy? If so, of what?


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Doncha mean Platinum ?

Platinum is an element, like Copper, Cu SIlver Ag or GOld Au and the 103 or so others

The gold nibs had a very small amount of gold put on the nib

and the pt nibs I had assumed had a microscopic amount of Pt put on the end of them. It is a few times more expensive than Gold.

GOld and Pt are too soft to have the whole thing made out of them
I have seen references to pens, pencils and spectacle frames being made of platinine (there are lots on google) - but no reference to what it actually is.
So maybe somebody is liing up to their name in assuming that you mean platinum.
oops sorry - platinine seemed so obviously a cross between platinum and platignum
Pt is not exactly soft - it has a hardness of 4-4.5 which is about the same as iron (4-5).
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