Does anyone know whether these lights, which are designed to combat Seasonal Affective Disorder, can damage the eyes? The light does seem very strong and I wondered whether there was any danger of eye damage through long term use.
Not sure whether the lights going to work or not, but thought it was worth a go. I'm not very keen on chemical mind controls, so am trying to avoid medication particularly as the depression/low feeling is intermittent.
The lights are not cheap but to be honest, I'm not going to spend it on partying in this mood, so I may as well invest in my own health.
We have had new light bulbs in our existing light fittings - they are know as 'daylight bulbs' or 'happy bulbs' - they have definately made a difference to my eyesight/eyestrain and I don't feel as tired. They are only about a �1 dearer than ordinary bulbs. I am always a little sceptical, but these really do seem to work!