You think any religions are different from each other? You think they have different demands to follow a unique agenda, and speak of them in a delineated fashion? You think the Bible speaks in pre-time? You think a person can transcribe words describing pre-time? You think a person, much less living thousands of years ago, can conceptualize pre-existence? You think our purpose in life is to test our free will? Our purpose is best described by living in servitude to God, similar to what Muslims do? You think the Christian teachings demand we serve no other God, and that the analogy of the flood bears any validity?
What more hogwash can we come up with? The more I listen to current events and bear witness to the consequences of people's opinions, the more clearly I understand that no person can ever accurately depict the true essence of whatever force we are a product of. I assume the null response to these questions until I know the answer in confidence. In other words, nobody should ever even think they are right.