My little boy usually had 3 bottles a day - 1st thing, mid Afternoon, and bedtime. usually 200ml each go, but just recently he refuses the bottle in the afternoon. Is it ok to give him just 2 bottles a day of milk? Books say they should have 500-600ml a day - what's everyone elses normal amount? Also, how much water/juice is your 11month old taking in a day? I'm sure this is normal but just want reasurance from other parents too...
i don't think either of mine had an afternoon milk at that age - just breakfast and night time. We gave them a yoghurt drink in the afternoon with a straw as a replacement. At 7 and 6, they still have that with a cookie when they come home from school. They also still get morning and night time milk - but not in a bottle anymore!!!
As long as he has a varied diet and gets plenty of calcium and fluid, it sounds perfectly fine to me.
Sounds the same as my 6 month old - breakfast, lunch and tea time food, plus a bottle in between and before bed. He lets me know if he wants more/doesn't want what's given. Wish my 7 year old would eat as much!