You can use the NORMDIST function in Excel to plug in the values you have and extract those you require.
Approximately 68% of grains will pop within 1SD either side of the mean. This means around 16% will pop below the 115s value and another 16% will fail to pop unless you cook them for more than 165s. Similarly approx 95% pop within 2SD of the mean and 99% within 3SD. You can use these facts to second guess the values you calculate.
Using NORMDIST with a value of 120s gives 21.2% popped, so 78.8% unpopped.
A value of 180s gives 94.5% so 4.5% unpopped.
A bit of trial and error inserting different time values (I'm sure I could have used a goal-seek formula, but it is 2 in the morning!) gives 181.2s to produce 95% popped and 198.2s to give 99%.
I imagine if you're actually doing a stats course you have formulae which would produce similar values if you bothered to use them?