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Crop Circles

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naomi24 | 07:30 Wed 02nd Jul 2008 | Science
66 Answers
Following wendilla's question about the latest ufo sightings, many new and intricate crop circles have appeared recently. Is there a connection, and if not, how can we explain them? aboutthat/2144652/Most-complex-crop-circle-eve r-discovered-in-British-fields.html html


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I hope the guys who create these circles are reading this. They would be doubling up with laughter.
I agree, squarebear. I feel as though I have drifted into an episode of the 'Twilight Zone'!
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You clearly haven�t understood what I�ve written, because I haven�t �decided� on any explanation yet. However, because you think some of the explanations here are �the obvious�, you expect me to agree with you. For the record, I have serious doubts that extra-terrestrials are currently visiting the earth, but since I still haven�t had an explanation for the very limited time factor involved in the creation of crop circles, and since you, I presume, are not an expert on the subject, I prefer not to accept your explanation without giving the matter rather more thought.

As for fairy forces at work and pink unicorns, that ludicrous statement confirms not only your ignorance, but your complete inability to grasp even the basic principles of the subject that this question has culminated in. It isn�t as you seem to think, some new fangled, new age, idea, and if you had read my posts and taken pause for breath before attempting to denigrate me, perhaps you might have understood that. The fact is that ancient texts, written thousands of years ago, record, amongst other things, accurate information about the stars, and complex mathematics, and in my opinion it is a subject very worthy of scientific investigation, and quite rightly, worthy of discussion, under the heading of Science. Of course, if you never manage to climb out of the Twilight Zone, and the content of those ancient writings remain outside your limited view of science, the universe and its history, and continue to elude you, you are not obliged to contribute to any discussion that might ensue.
Naomi, don't get tetchy! I have understood full well what you have written, it is just that I do do not agree with the incredible leap in logic that you have made. You have implied, although not tacitly stated that alien civilisations are responsible for crop circles, as a way of communicating with the human race. This is massively presumptious and illogical, hence my comparison with fairies and pink unicorns. I agree these suggestions are ludicrous, but why do you suggest that aliens are lesss so? You say that you will not accept the rational explanation without more thought. Excellent, give it plenty of thought, but please give it critical thought and use reason and logic, not flights of fancy. Several posters have tried to politely point out to you that this is most easily explained by pranks, but you are not listening. Your mind is set. Think about the high likelihood these are made by human beings. Give it lots of thought. Pranks. Hoaxes. People having a bit of fun. It could also be aliens of course, I would love it to be aliens. The prospect of contact with an alien civilisation would an exciting and momentous one. But really, sending us cryptic messages in cereal? I am not, as you suggest, an expert in this, but I don't need to be a farmer to know bullsh$t when I smell it!
Naomi - I saw a TV documentary some months ago, whereby it was shown how crop circles are made - by man. In one particular part of the country, they deliberately make them, to encourage visitors.
I agree with you about ancient texts providing accurate information about the stars, etc., though. Very interesting.
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Thank you for sharing that, Bob.

Hello again, Ice Maiden, as I said earlier, I know a farmer who did it, but his scheme fell apart when his girlfriend lost her nerve.

Yes, some ancient texts are very interesting indeed. We could learn a lot if only we'd take the trouble to study them.

Thanks for your input everyone.
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bobclean you say in one of your posts that an explanation as been given for the circles..i assume you mean this explanation is that people did it. Can you prove this beyond a shadow of a doubt ? I cant see why anyone should believe something just because someone else says its true. Im not being funny here either, if there was solid proof that people had done it I would more than likely accept it and go on to something else thats a mystery to me. So far the only 'proof 'I have ever seen is programmes on tv and reading online that a couple of guys say they did some circles but if I remember correctly couldnt do it again when challenged and even less proof in the link from waldo where someone states they are done by people and they know who they are but arent saying. If you can provide a link that shows people doing a huge circle within hours that would be brilliant.

There is just no way on this earth I believe a group of people can create such an intricate pattern in such a short time, and why remain anonymous? If I could do that I would be very happy to put my name to my work, after all whats the worst that could happen? criminal damage/trespass maybe?

As this is the science section could anyone explain to me about the rape stalks being bent way further than they should be able to be bent without breaking, how can a person do that? All that seems to be getting said is it isnt aliens its people without a shred of evidence. As theres no evidence on either side I cant see why anyone can state its definitely people doing it.
by that ^^ I dont mean I think all circles are made by someone/thing not from earth, I have seen lots of pics of them and I reckon there are a lot done by people, I am on about the massive intricate perfect looking ones.
They are not the work of aliens.
Aliens are some what in advance of us technoligically.
After all we have barely made it off the surface of our world and they, to all intents and purposess have made it across this if not other galaxies.
When arriving here, assuming they even want to stop and talk to us, why on earth would they say hi with something as silly as crop circles. Surely they would be intelligent enough to actually speak in a language we would know, wether it be mathmatics or some such thing.
I don't think I want to communicate with the farming eqivilent of ET.
Has anyone considered the possibility that crop circles might be created by the crops themselves in an attempt to communicate an otherwise hidden yet extraordinary intelligence? Or maybe simply just to mess with our heads!
Aka pixi, I think you are also cursed with too much wishful thinking. It seems to be clouding your judgement. Please think logically and carefully about what you are saying. Science is based on evidence. There is masses of evidence to show that the intricate crop circles are the work of people. You seem unwilling to accept this. You state that if there was "solid proof that people had done it" you would accept that. What we are all trying to tell you is that there IS solid proof that many of the crop circles have been done by people. Not every single crop circle, but the overwhelming evidence shows that people are responsible. In spite of this, (needing solid proof), you are quite willing, even eager to make the huge leap of logic into fantasy and believe they are the work of extraterrestrials super beings!. This with absolutely NO evidence. This is not a diffult concept. Please think about it. LOTS of evidence they are the work of people. NO evidence they are the work of aliens, fairies or the loch ness monster. So how do you justify your incredible theory? Where is the evidence? Good science is based on observation and evidence, not wishful thinking, conjecture and fanciful thought. You cannot believe a group of people are able to make intricate crop circles. THEY CAN!! Please take the time to read the links posted.
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The age of the universe is estimated to be somewhere in the region of 12 to 14 billion years, and possibly more; our solar system around 4.5 billion years (figures from NASA) so logically it�s reasonable to assume that any intelligent life that may have evolved on other planets during that 10 or so billion year gap would have advanced technologically a lot further than us.

Simple mathematics tells us that we humans, who have been here on earth for only a few million years, are newcomers to the universe - and we have a very long way to go, and an unimaginable amount to learn, before we come even close to bridging the vast span of time that lies between our solar system and those far older. No one knows if any other planet is inhabited by intelligent beings, but it�s estimated that there are some 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in the universe, many of which have planets orbiting them. Even if we apply the principle of Occam�s Razor to the question, we have to assume that there is other intelligent life out there, and bearing in mind the age of the universe, possibly intelligent life that has existed for far longer than we have. Unfortunately, as can be seen from some of the comments on this thread, arrogant man�s limited mind is restricted to his own historical timeline, and his own limited notions of technology, hence, he�s convinced that he�s the most intelligent, the most knowledgeable, and the most technologically advanced being in the universe, when, in fact, if we compare the age of the universe to the age of our solar system, we are mere infants.
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The �impossibility� of traversing enormous distances is usually the reason given by those who deny the Earth is being, or could ever have been, visited by beings from other worlds, but who knows what discoveries were made by others in the dim and distant past - and who knows what discoveries lie ahead for us? After all, only a hundred and fifty years or so ago it was thought that if man travelled at more than about 20mph, his head would fall off! The brilliant Stephen Hawking says that, in order to ensure man�s survival the human race must eventually leave planet Earth, and who�s to say that something very similar didn�t happen to people of other planets in the past? Perhaps that�s where life on Earth originated. And God said �Let us make man in our image�. Maybe they did, although not by supernatural means, but simply by populating the planet and procreating, even if that meant using a little genetic engineering. It�s food for thought - for anyone who cares to think about it.

Hello Mibs, you talking about ants?

Bobclean, you think a lot about other people�s opinions, but perhaps your education would be better served by thinking a little more about your own opinions.
Well I may be cursed with wishful thinking bob but you seem to be cursed with only reading what you see fit. I did say up there that I think a lot of them are done by people.

I re-read the links you put up and I dont see masses of evidence to prove people did it. I see a handful of people CLAIMING (and thats the word in the link not my word) they have done some and one circle that was made by the students with video. Thats just some out of tons of circles. Have these people who have come forward and maybe other people who havent come forward made everyone of these circles? I honestly dont think so. If you have a link to the video that would be cool.

You say I am unwilling to accept it, how can I accept something when there are still a couple of unanswered questions in my head? I have asked about the rape stalks being bent so far they should have snapped a couple of times but it hasnt been answered. I thought with this being in science someone may be able to give a simple explanation.

I've also read that the circles appeared as early as the 18th century, so where there handfuls of people in those days going round creating them?

If you (or anyone else) can tell me how the 3 people in the link that I think it was waldo put up can make such a huge and intricate circle with 149 circles some of them over 60 feet across in under 3 hours and probably in the dark then I possibly would say 'yep you were right all along'

I think this is the one the link was on about july96.sized.gif

aka pixi, naomi 24. I give up. You were right all along. I don't know what wooly-headed thinking was going on in my mind. I get it, the universe is much older than human existence, therefore the majority of crop circle are being made by some hoaxers, but the rest are being made by aliens, that in my arrogance and ignorance I couldn't see. .( I foolishly was looking for some actual evidence) but your insight into the mysteries of the universe has finally convinced me. It's beautiful. The world is so different now. Anyway, can't stop, I am going to photograph the beautiful fairies at the bottom of my garden with my imagi-cam ( You can't see it, but it's there) I can see them now, because my mind has been opened up by your carefully researched and reasoned thoughts. Many thanks, goodbye!
hmm does all that sarcasm mean you dont know the answer to my questions bob?

but hey well cool on having fairies at the bottom of your garden, do you know what species they are? ;)
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He's away with the fairies. I rest my case.
Im gonna rest my wrists, they are killing after all that typing lol

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