I know there is still ten days to go but these are both mathematical questions of sorts and the subject leaves me cold Q20 Using any standard mathematical symbols you wish how can 20 be expressed with three 9's? Q32 How many minutes is it till 6.00pm if 50 minutes ago it was four times as many minutes past 3.00pm Many Thanks spursfan
You've stumped me spursfan...
I've got about 5 people on it so answers should be soon...
Judgin by you're name maths Qs is the the last thing you should be worryin about!!! ;-)
Hi jodder
Many thanks for your help(& perseverance)
You wouldn't believe that I actually passed GCE Maths-mind you it was 1959 and there were three seperate exams as I recall (Arithmetic,Algebra and Geometry & Trigonometry?)
spursfan - congratulations on being given the answers to these questions. It's just a shame that you can't heed the words of the quiz setter and NOT ask for answers on here. It really does ruin the quiz when answers are freely given away in the public domain.
Hi boysinblue68. Thought you'd retired. I knew someone would cheat 10? days before the closing date of 24th October. Everyone can copy these answers now and have LESS chance of winning. Me included.
Hi bottom of the league spursfan Certainly not much good at simple arithmetic. I make 24-7 is 17 days. Over 2 weeks to go!