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ShaghaiDoc | 09:00 Sat 14th Mar 2009 | Science
5 Answers
Who was the first person to discover that a feather will fall as fast as a solid object, in vacuum?


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This cannot be true.
well it was predicted by Galileo. He did experiments by doppin balls of different material off the tower at Pisa. it was actually verified by David Scott on the moon:
Why can't it be true Puss_Boots. It is only air resistance that slows a feathers descent.
I don't know who may have first proposed the question but the specific experiment was conducted on the Moon in 1971, on the flight of Apollo 15. Astronaut David Scott dropped a falcon feather and a hammer and they hit the moon at the same time.
Sorry, folks - this camee up as having had no replies but I see R1Geezer gave you the same answer 2 days ago!

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